Monthly Update - Feb 2021
What we've got planned for the next month at Direwolf Design

We've got a lot going on next month, here's what to expect.
The launch of our new website is just the start, we've got a bunch more stuff coming out. Here's what to look out for over the next month.
We've got new products lined up, a list of commissions we're working on, our new Creator Affiliate Program, Merch Store designs and some new features planned for our website.
Keep reading to find out exactly what we've got planned over the next month.
New Product Releases
We're working on 3 new designs right now that we'll be launching over the next few weeks. They'll all be launched as static designs initially, with plans to release some animated packs later this year.
Star Wars - JEDI
The first of our Star Wars themed Stream Packs will be launched at the start of February (we're aiming for the end of the first week).
This launch is a result of our Twitter poll that was run last week, which #JEDI won by a landslide!
The Jedi Stream Pack is inspired by Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order and will come packed with Stream Scenes, Webcam Surrounds, Alerts and a bunch of Twitch Panels, all ready to download and use instantly!
Star Wars - SITH
Our favourite of our first 2 Star Wars themed Stream Packs, the Sith Stream Pack will be launching mid February.
A much darker (and pointier) design than the Jedi pack, Sith features everything you'd expect from the Dark Side of the Force. Deep reds, Sith transcript text and, of course, the Sith sigil emblazoned on all the design elements.
We couldn't do popular games without hitting Among Us. By far one of the biggest breakout games to come out of 2020, our Among Us Stream Pack features all your favourite colourful space-beans.
We've worked hard to keep the look and feel of the whole stream pack as close to the cartoon, hand-drawn style found in Among Us.
Expect to see this one hit the store towards the end of February!
Want to be the first to get notified about our new designs? Join our mailing list to get our latest updates straight to your inbox.
Charity Packs
We know that for a lot of streamers, charity events are a big part of your stream content, and we want to help to support anyone who's planning on raising money for good causes.
We have our first Charity Pack planned for release towards the end of February. Our first supported charity will be Mind Mental Health. This is a charity that means a lot to us and one we're very keen on helping to support.
We'll be taking your feedback into account with new Charity Packs, so make sure you're following us on Twitter to have your voice heard!
All our Charity Packs will be released on a 'pay what you want' basis, with all proceeds going to the charity the pack was designed for.
Website Updates
We know we've just launched our website, but we still have a tonne of new features we want to build into the new platform.
We've built a whole new CMS just for this website all based around integration with Gumroad. It's still very basic in terms of functionality... we've got no categories or tags for posts yet and we haven't opened up commenting on Blog posts and Work designs.
By the end of February, we're hoping to have at least commenting up and running and (hopefully) post categorisation and filtering in some capacity.
We're also taking a deep-dive into the Gumroad API to see how we can better integrate with their services.
Of course, we'll be making design and functionality tweaks regularly to make sure everything's working the best it can across devices. First and foremost will be making sure our mobile experience is as good as possible.
You can read more about why and how we use Gumroad for our Graphics Shop here.
Additional Content
Alongside everything else, we'll be looking at how we can best serve tutorials and video content that will help you get set up with our themes and packs, showcase new products and help us to advertise and promote our affiliate team members.
Speaking of affiliates, we'll be adding some new pages to our Affiliates section so we can better promote our affiliate team members and make it easier for you to support your favourite creators straight from our website!
As always, if there's anything you'd like to see from us in the future, make sure to drop us a message or DM us on Twitter!
Are you as excited as us for this year?? We've got plenty to look forward to and lots of new designs on our roadmap! Make sure to follow us on Gumroad and Twitter too if you want to get the latest updates from us before anyone else!
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